
Convenience interface to create pages for sysadmins or other ACCRE staff via phone, SMS, etc.

Currently xMatters is used to handle on-call schedule and rotation, and twilio may be set up as a fallback to also send SMS messages to staff (TODO).

accre.paging.xmatters_page(device, incident_id, situation, group)[source]

Create an xmatters incident for the specified group

  • device (str) – Entity creating this incident (RT, nagios, etc…)

  • incident_id (str) – If possible, some identification for the incident such as an RT ticket number

  • situation (str) – Description of the problem that will be displayed on the SMS message to the on-call staff.

  • group (str) – XMatters group to receive the page


CLI entry point for xmatters paging

accre.paging.xmatters_page_cluster_support(device, incident_id, situation)[source]

Create an xmatters incident for the Cluster Support Group.

  • device (str) – Entity creating this incident (RT, nagios, etc…)

  • incident_id (str) – If possible, some identification for the incident such as an RT ticket number

  • situation (str) – Description of the problem that will be displayed on the SMS message to the on-call staff.