
Mixin class for databse client with user related functions

class accre.database.client.users.DBClientUserMixin[source]

Bases: object

Functionality related to ACCRE cluster users

activate_user(vunetid, reason=None, log_date=None)[source]

(Re)Activate the user in the Database. Note that this does not activate a user in LDAP, but simply marks a user as one that should currently have access. A reason string is required.

  • vunetid (str) – User to be activated

  • reason (str) – Reason for activation. Cite a ticket if possible.

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.

add_secondary_groups(vunetid, *groups, log_date=None)[source]

Add specified secondary groups to a cluster user

  • vunetid (str) – user to add to secondary group(s)

  • groups (str) – Groups to add the user to

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.

add_user(*, vunetid, user_id, group, email, first_name, last_name, attended_unix=False, attended_cluster=False, attended_slurm=False, active=True, join_date=None)[source]

Add a new ACCRE user to the database

  • vunetid (str) – vunetid of the user, should match Vanderbilt LDAP

  • user_id (int) – UID of the new user, should match Vanderbilt LDAP

  • group (str) – Primary group name of the new user

  • email (str) – email address of the new user, matching Vandy LDAP

  • first_name (str) – first name of the new user

  • last_name (str) – last name of the new user

  • attended_unix (bool) – attendence for the intro unix course

  • attended_cluster (bool) – attendence for the intro cluster course

  • attended_slurm (bool) – attendence for the intro slurm course

  • join_date (datetime.datetime) – Date the user joined the cluster, defaults to the current date

add_user_log(vunetid, comment, log_date=None)[source]

Add an entry to the given user’s log.

  • vunetid (str) – vunetid of the user

  • comment (str) – entry to add to the log

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.

all_users_info(secondary_groups=False, limit=None, offset=None)[source]

Retrieve general information for all ACCRE users including secondary groups if requested

  • secondary_groups (bool) – Show secondary groups for all users if set to true

  • limit (int) – Maximum number of records to return, return all if None

  • offset (int) – Offset from first record to begin list of records, start at the first record if None


General user information for all users

Return type:


deactivate_user(vunetid, reason=None, log_date=None)[source]

Deactivate the user in the Database. Note that this does not deactivate a user in LDAP, but simply marks a user as one that should no longer have access. A reason string is required.

  • vunetid (str) – User to be deactivated

  • reason (str) – Reason for deactivation. Cite a ticket if possible.

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.


Fetch user logs for a given vunetid sorted by newest first


vunetid (str) –


list of all user log dates and comments for the vunetid

Return type:

list(tuple(datetime.datetime, comment))


Return a list of all scheduler associations for accelerated partitions (i.e. triplets of VUNetID, group, and accelerated partition) that should be present according to the datbase.


List of scheduler associations (VUNetID, group, partition)

Return type:

list(tuple(str, str, str))


Return a list of all scheduler associations (i.e. triplets of VUNetID, group, and scheduler partition) that should be present according to the datbase. Note that accelerated partition associations are not returned by this method.


List of scheduler associations (VUNetID, group, partition)

Return type:

list(tuple(str, str, str))


List all users in the databse, or all active users.


active (bool) – List only active users if set to true


List of user ids

Return type:


mark_attended(vunetid, unix=None, cluster=None, slurm=None, log_date=None)[source]

Updates attendance fields for a user

  • vunetid (str) – User vunetid

  • unix (bool) – Attendance for Intro to Unix

  • cluster (bool) – Attendance for Intro to the Cluster

  • slurm (bool) – Attendance for Intro to Slurm

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.

modify_user(vunetid, reason=None, log_date=None, **updates)[source]

Modify one or more fields of an existing ACCRE user and log the change with an optional reason.

  • vunetid (str) – VUNetID or ACCRE username for the user

  • reason (str) – Explanation of the change to be logged

  • updates (dict) – Columns to be updated with their values

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to log the user modification, defaults to the current date

remove_secondary_groups(vunetid, *groups, log_date=None)[source]

Remove specified secondary groups from a cluster user

  • vunetid (str) – user to remove from secondary group(s)

  • groups (str) – Groups to remove the user from

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.


Return a dict keyed by scheduler associations (i.e. triplets of VUNetID, group, and scheduler partition) that should be present according to the datbase, with values that are the modifications that should be present in those associations (i.e. QOS, fairshare, max_mem, etc…). By default, do not add associations for which there are no modifications.


show_all (boot) – If True, add all associations to the dict, even those with no modifications


Dict of scheduler associations (VUNetID, group, partition) and their corresponding modifications

Return type:

dict(tuple(str, str, str), dict)


Return true if the specified user exists in the database


vunetid (str) – ACCRE user to be queried


True if the user is found in the database

Return type:


user_info(vunetid, secondary_groups=False, gpfs_usage=False)[source]

Retrieve general information for an ACCRE user including secondary groups and/or gpfs usage if requested

  • vunetid (str) – ACCRE user to be queried

  • secondary_groups (bool) – Show secondary groups for the user if set to true

  • gpfs_usage (bool) – Show gpfs usage records for home and scratch if set to true.


General user information

Return type:
