
Tools for datacenter or physical management of ACCRE hardware

Cause the location LED of the node chassis to blink for a while to locate the node.


You must be root on a node with passwordless root ssh to all other nodes for this function to work

  • hostname (str) – Hostname of the node to blink

  • make (str) – Manufacturer of the chassis. Defaults to dell, and if set to supermicro will use an alternative command to blink the indicator light

  • blinktime (int) – Seconds to blink the location LED

  • verbose (bool) – If true, print information in real time to stdout about the operation and wait for completion

  • ssh (bool) – use ssh to connect to servers if true, rsh if false


True if the command(s) succeeded as determined by exit code.

Return type:


accre.datacenter.griswold(cabinet, blinktime=15, ssh=True)[source]

Cause all servers in a cabinet (as known in OpenDCIM) to blink in sequence from highest to lowest position and print information about the make, model, and serial number/service tag of each physical server.


You must be root on a node with passwordless root ssh to all other nodes for this function to work

..todo:: Add support for blades/child servers

  • cabinet (str) – Cabinet location, ex. “H15”

  • blinktime (int) – Time to spend locating each server

  • ssh (bool) – use ssh to connect to servers if true, rsh if false


True if all servers blinked successfully, false if errors

Return type:



CLI entry point for the griswold function.

Use griswold --help for usage.