
Tools for managing ACCRE accounts, password changes, password resets, etc.

class accre.account_management.ClusterAccountCreator(*, vunetid, ticket, allow_inactive=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class for creating cluster accounts via the create_cluster_account method. This class basically just exists because the creation function would otherwise be very long or have to pass lots of parameters to internal helper functions, so this is just nicer to manage.

Here creating an account means ensuring that we have a valid VUNetID and making the initial POSIX/cluster account with a home directory in GPFS, setting a temporary password, emailing the user, and updating the RT ticket.

This will not add secondary groups or scheduler associations. This should be done in a subsequent repair step.


Create a new user on the cluster with an autogenerated password and send emails to the admins, helpdesk, and the new user


Dict with key ‘cluster’ indicating if the user was successfully created on the cluster, and a ‘error’ key with further details about any errors.

Return type:

dict(str, bool|str)

class accre.account_management.ClusterPasswordResetter(*, vunetid, email, ticket)[source]

Bases: object

Class for resetting cluster account passwords via the reset_cluster_password method. This class basically just exists because the creation function would otherwise be very long or have to pass lots of parameters to internal helper functions, so this is just nicer to manage


Reset the user’s cluster password, and send emails to the user, the admins, and the helpdesk ticket.

class accre.account_management.VUNetIDValidator[source]

Bases: object

Client for checking VUNetIDs for existence, active status, and basic info either in VUIT LDAP (real people) or the internal ACCRE LDAP robot registry (robots). Mimics the interface of accre.ldap.VUDS


Bind new connections to the configured LDAP servers


Unbind the current connections to the configured LDAP servers


Check if the given vunetid exists in VUIT or the ACCRE robot list


vunetid (str) – the vunetid to be checked


True if the vunetid exists

Return type:



Return a dictionary of information about the specified vunetid including the full name (fullname), uid (uid), Vanderbilt email (vanderbilt_email), and type (robot or person)


vunetid (str) – the vunetid to be checked


fullname, uid, vanderbilt_email, and type

Return type:



Check if the given vunetid is locked due to becoming an inactive VUnetID, having an expired VUNet password, or being a locked robot.


vunetid (str) – the vunetid to be checked


True if the vunetid is locked

Return type:



CLI entry point for ACCRE login shell management Run accre-chsh --help for usage


CLI entry point for ACCRE password management Run accre_password --help for usage


Add affiliate groups for any of the user’s groups as secondary groups in the database.


user (str) – VUNetID of the user to be repaired


dictionary with added key containing list of groups added

Return type:

dict(str, list(str))


Add or remove secondary groups for the specifed user in LDAP according to their corresponding database groups. Raise an exception if the primary group for the user is mismatched.


user (str) – VUNetID of the user to be repaired


dictionary with added and removed keys containing lists of groups added or removed, or primary group changes.

Return type:

dict(str, list(str))

accre.account_management.repair_user(user, verbose=False)[source]

Run a battery of repair subroutines on the specified user and return a list of result dictionaries from each subroutine. These repairs should bring the user slurm and ldap records into compliance with the administrative database.

  • user (str) – VUNetID of the user to be repaired

  • verbose (bool) – Print information to stdout if True


List of change dicts from each repair subroutine

Return type:

list(dict(str, str))


Add missing slurm accelerated associations for a given user according to what should exist from the database. Remove associations that should not exist. Note that this function does not repair associations for standard partitions.


user (str) – VUNetID of the user to be repaired


Dict of changes, including list of added associations by user, account, partition

Return type:

dict(str, list(tuple(str, str, str)))

accre.account_management.repair_user_slurm_associations(user, add=True, remove=True)[source]

Add missing slurm associations for a given user according to what should exist from the database. Remove associations that should not exist. Note that this function does not repair associations for accelerated partitions.

  • user (str) – VUNetID of the user to be repaired

  • add (bool) – Add missing associations if true

  • remove (bool) – Remove erroneous assocations if true


Dict of changes, including list of added associations by user, account, partition

Return type:

dict(str, list(tuple(str, str, str)))


If the user’s primary group is a scheduler group, make sure that the slurm default group for the user matches the primary group


user (str) – VUNetID of the user to be repaired


Dict of changes, which if the default group changed just a single key/value for the new default group

Return type:

dict(str, str)