
Mixin class for databse client with parent account related functions

class accre.database.client.parent_accounts.DBClientParentAccountMixin[source]

Bases: object

Functionality related to slurm parent accounts


Retrieve general information for an ACCRE adminstrative account including all PI VUNetIDs


name (str) – ACCRE account to be queried


General account information

Return type:


add_account(*, name, department, division, organization, pis, scheduler_account=True, fairshare=1, max_cpu=None, max_mem=None, max_runmins=None, qos='normal', active=True, join_date=None)[source]

Add a new administrative account to the database. The dept/div/org triplet must be a valid combination, i.e. the division must be a member of the organization.

  • name (str) – The name of the account

  • department (str) – Name of the department, must be a department already in the database

  • division (str) – Name of the division, must be a division already in the database

  • organization (str) – Name of the organization, must be an organization already in the database

  • pis (list(str)) – A list of PI vunetids. Typically one PI. Can be an empty list for an account with no PI.

  • scheduler_account (bool) – True if this account should exist on the cluster job scheduler

  • fairshare (int) – Scheduler fairshare for the account

  • max_cpu (int) – Maximum running CPU cores for the account

  • max_mem (str) – Maximum running memory for the account, should be of the form “100G” or “10800M”

  • max_runmins (int) – Maximum running scheduled cpu minutes for the account

  • qos (str) – Scheduler QOS for the account

  • active (bool) – True for accounts currently using the cluster or being billed for services

  • join_date (datetime.datetime) – Date that the PI joined the cluster, defaults to the current date

add_account_log(name, comment, log_date=None)[source]

Add an entry to the given business account’s log.

  • name (str) – name of the account

  • comment (str) – entry to add to the log

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.

add_account_pis(name, *pis, reason=None, log_date=None)[source]

Add specified pis to a business account

  • name (str) – business account to add pi(s) to

  • pis (str) – pis to add to the account

  • reason (str) – explanation of the change for logging

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.

all_accounts_info(limit=None, offset=None)[source]

Retrieve general information for all ACCRE adminstrative accounts NOT including PIs associated with the account.

  • limit (int) – Maximum number of records to return, return all if None

  • offset (int) – Offset from first record to begin list of records, start at the first record if None


General account information for all accounts

Return type:



Fetch user logs for a given business account sorted by newest first


name (str) – business account name


list of all account log dates and comments for the account

Return type:

list(tuple(datetime.datetime, comment))


List all accounts in the databse, or all active accounts.


active (bool) – List only active accounts if set to true


List of account ids

Return type:


modify_account(account, reason=None, log_date=None, **updates)[source]

Modify one or more fields of an existing ACCRE account and log the change with an optional reason.

  • account (str) – Name of the account

  • reason (str) – Explanation of the change to be logged

  • updates (dict) – Columns to be updated with their values

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to log the user modification, defaults to the current date

remove_account_pis(name, *pis, reason=None, log_date=None)[source]

Remove specified pis from a business account

  • name (str) – business account remove add pi(s) from

  • pis (str) – pis to remove from the account

  • reason (str) – explanation of the change for logging

  • log_date (datetime.datetime) – Date to use for the log entry, defaults to the current date.