Source code for accre.slack

Convenience interface to send messages to the ACCRE slack
import getpass
import socket
import sys

import requests

from accre.config import get_config
from accre.util import accre_argparser

CONFIG = get_config()

[docs]def simple_message(text, channel=None, username=None, icon=None): """ Send a simple text message to ACCRE slack. :param str text: message to send to slack :param str channel: Channel or user to send to (use at-symbol for user) or default to random. :param str username: Username to display in channel, defaults to combination of current posix user and host :param str icon: Emoji icon to use for message, defaults to accre symbol. Colons are not required. """ url_hook = CONFIG['slack']['url_hook'] if channel is None: channel = 'random' if username is None: username = '{0}-on-{1}'.format(getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname()) if icon is None: icon = 'accre' payload = { 'channel': channel, 'username': username, 'icon_emoji': ':{0}:'.format(icon), 'text': text } resp =, json=payload) resp.raise_for_status()
[docs]def status_message( pretext, items=None, channel=None, username=None, icon=None, color='good', footer=None ): """ Send a formatted status message to ACCRE slack including a pretext header message, a set of named items with descrptions, and a status color. Generally suitable for messages from status checks or audits. :param str pretext: prefix for message to send to slack :param dict items: mapping of keys which will appear as item headers in the message, and values for which the string representation will be the text of each message item. :param str channel: Channel or user to send to (use at-symbol for user) or default to random. :param str username: Username to display in channel, defaults to combination of current posix user and host :param str icon: Emoji icon to use for message, defaults to accre symbol. Colons are not required. :param str color: One of good (green), warning (yellow), danger (red) or a hex code, i.e. #439FE0 :param str footer: Optional message footer """ url_hook = CONFIG['slack']['url_hook'] if channel is None: channel = 'random' if username is None: username = '{0}-on-{1}'.format(getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname()) if icon is None: icon = 'accre' if items is None: items = {} fields = [ {'title': key, 'value': str(val), 'short': False} for key, val in items.items() ] payload = { 'channel': channel, 'username': username, 'icon_emoji': ':{0}:'.format(icon), 'attachments': [{ 'fallback': pretext, 'pretext': pretext, 'color': color, 'fields': fields }] } if footer is not None: payload['attachments'][0]['footer'] = footer resp =, json=payload) resp.raise_for_status()
[docs]def main(): """ CLI entry point for Slack posting """ description = "Post a simple text message to the ACCRE slack" parser = accre_argparser('slackpost', description=description) parser.add_argument('-m', '--message', action='store', default=None, help="Message to post to slack" ) parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', action='store', default=None, help="Channel or user (precede with @) to post to" ) parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', action='store', default=None, help="Username to display as poster of the message" ) parser.add_argument('-i', '--icon', action='store', default=None, help="Emoji icon to display with the message" ) parser.add_argument('-C', '--code', action='store_true', help="Format the message as code" ) args = parser.parse_args() message = args.message if message is None: message = if args.code: message = '```\n{}\n```'.format(message) simple_message( message,, username=args.username, icon=args.icon )
if __name__ == '__main__': main()