Source code for accre.proxmox

Convenience wrapper for access to the ACCRE ProxMox infrastructure
cluster read-only API using the proxmoxer library.

See for API details.
from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI

from accre.config import get_config

CONFIG = get_config()

[docs]class ACCREProxmox(ProxmoxAPI): """ ACCRE Wrapper for the proxmoxer ProxmoxAPI class providing pre-configured access and authentication options, allowing one to easily instantiate a ProxmoxAPI without providing arguments. Additional ACCRE-specific convenience methods are provided. """ def __init__(self, failover=True): """ Initialize a ProxmoxAPI connecting to the ACCRE cluter. :param bool failover: If true, attempt to connect to each hypervisor in the configured list. Otherwise only attempt to connect to the first configured hypervisor. """ verify_str = CONFIG['proxmox']['verify_ssl'] if verify_str.lower() == 'false': verify = False else: verify = True hvs = CONFIG['proxmox']['hosts'].split(',') for idx, hv in enumerate(hvs): try: super().__init__( hv, user=CONFIG['proxmox']['user'], password=CONFIG['proxmox']['password'], verify_ssl=verify ) return except Exception as e: if not failover or idx == len(hvs) - 1: raise
[docs] def node_vm_table(self, node): """ Return a human readable ascii table of VMs and their properties for a specified hypervisor node. :param str node: Hypervisor node name to query :returns: ASCII table of vms on the given node and their properties :rtype: str """ tblfmt = '{0: <20.20} {1:<7.7} {2:>4.4} {3:>7.7} {4:>10.10}' all_vms = self.cluster.resources.get(type='vm') vms = [vm for vm in all_vms if vm['node'] == node] lines = [] lines.append(tblfmt.format( 'NAME', 'STATUS', 'CPUS', 'MEM', 'DISK' )) lines.append(tblfmt.format( '-'*30, '-'*30, '-'*30, '-'*30, '-'*30 )) for vm in vms: lines.append(tblfmt.format( vm['name'], vm['status'], str(vm['maxcpu']), str(round(float(vm['maxmem']) / 1024**3, 2)) + 'GB', str(round(float(vm['maxdisk']) / 1024**3, 2)) + 'GB' )) return '\n'.join(lines)