.. admintools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Nov 7 15:34:03 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ACCRE Python adminstrative library ================================== The ACCRE python adminstrative library aims to centralize common functionality into a single codebase for better reuse, testing, and maintenance of common patterns in administrative scripts. The library also provides command line tools for interfacing with systems specific to or customized for ACCRE, as well as "bots" that can be run as cronjobs to help automate account creation and other routine tasks. A monitoring command framework is provided that allows for nagios-compatible NRPE checks which can log alerts in additional places such as slack and elasticsearch. A structure for an administrative SQL database is provided that may contain general purpose tables related to cluster state and administration not provided by other systems. It also serves as a source of truth for account information, providing a history and specifics on how each account should be rendered to LDAP and Slurm. The Administrative Database =========================== The structure of the adminstrative database and a client for interacting with it with commonly used queries is provided in :mod:`accre.database`. Additionally, this library provides an "accre-db" cli tool that accepts a variety of subcommands to retrive information or update cluster users and groups. For many of these subcommands, a "--repair" flag can be given to automatically update the state of the entity in LDAP and Slurm to match what is in the database. A "--logs" flag can often be used to print the log entries associated with the user, which may show RT tickets and dates and reasoning when changes were made. The `Account Management Wiki Page ` has detailed information on the structure of the database and the use of database commands. API Reference ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Modules: stubs/account_management stubs/bots.password_resetter stubs/cfengine stubs/config stubs/database stubs/database.client stubs/database.client.base stubs/database.client.gpfs stubs/database.client.groups stubs/database.client.managed_hosts stubs/database.client.parent_accounts stubs/database.client.pis stubs/database.client.sapi_requests stubs/database.client.slurm_monitoring stubs/database.client.users stubs/database.engine stubs/database.model stubs/database.util stubs/datacenter stubs/elasticsearch stubs/email stubs/exceptions stubs/filesystem stubs/gpfs stubs/ldap stubs/logger stubs/monitor stubs/monitor_cli stubs/monitor_checks.auditor stubs/monitor_checks.common stubs/nagios stubs/nrpe stubs/paging stubs/proxmox stubs/rt_requests stubs/sapi stubs/slack stubs/slurm stubs/util Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`